
這是關於我們的點點滴滴 故事就從2010年2月3號這一天開始... It is about everything of us, and the story just starts from 2010/02/03...

Our truly best supervisors

Our truly best supervisors


大家過年還愉快嗎? 是否自摸了好幾回了呢?? 一回到澄清湖後,我們馬上籌劃了慶生餐會和營火晚會,果然年輕就是有活力!!! 看到大家熱鬧又精采的表演,我彷彿又年輕了幾歲,希望大家保持這個熱情,將這個專訓最後五天過的更加有聲有色吧!!!


2010年2月5日 星期五

The food is never enough / 食物永遠不夠

I believe all of the junior members who just left from Chengonglin(成功嶺) to Chengching Lake(澄清湖) will feel a huge difference of the FOOD!
That is because we got only 2 to 3 dishes in the Chengonglin but 10 meals in here!!!
I remembered that I got 3 more kilos just in two weeks!

Taiwanese students are used to say "no photo no fact! (沒圖沒真相)!"
How about this one!

The delicious food are waiting there!
Can we just start to move? We are really Starving!

Oh~ man!
Why the soy milk is running out so fast!

Hey! Dear senior and junior members!
That is no need to worry about that!
Our greatest supervisor, Mr. Su, said that we can always ask for more food if we want!
So just don't feel shy to raise your ask!
Our best supervisors will try to make everyone get weights in this two weeks!

